Are children aged 2 to 3 years can do the housework?

Are children aged 2 to 3 years can do the housework?

You do not need because they are young and do not dare to do housework, because those chores can training children to become good man, very patient, and progress forward. So how do children aged 2 to 3 years old can do some housework?

Children aged between 2 to 3 years is still small, so you should do a small house such as: paper, newspapers you read in the morning and after you wash a towel to wipe his hands, then you can take them to sit folded . Besides, you can also make cloth to wipe the table where they sit also Moreover, after which they play and you have to teach they collected themselves at even the bowl of a spoon their own use, you must be collected by the same self. 

Moreover, you must be dressed and plow own clothes and clothes dirty, you have to tell them to put it in the basket without disposal of the MOU, and light fingers that you can bring to yourself. You must not think that these acts are acts that harm children, but it's a move that helps teach your child to become who can not rely on others prefer to do things on your own, everyone will respect, love everyone.
